The fixed-value shunt is mainly used for the measurement of large current. Its working principle is similar to the small-resistance four-terminal measuring resistor. The method of measuring the voltage drop reflects the magnitude of the measured current. The AFL-T series fixed value shunt is mainly made of manganese copper material and copper terminal welded with silver alloy. The copper terminals on both sides have a set of current measuring end and voltage sampling end. The maximum rated current is 10kA. When the measured current is less than or equal to 50A, it is fixed by plastic base. When it is more than 50A, it is fixed by copper terminal directly. When the shunt is used with the pointer ammeter, since the ammeter is actually a millivoltmeter with a resistance of about several ohms, it must be connected with a pair of fixed-value wires supplied with the ammeter. When the shunt is used with the digital voltmeter, it can be connected by any wire.
Telecommunications equipment, electric vehicles, aerospace, charging stations, electroplating power supplies, instrumentation, DC power transmission and other systems.
This fixed-valued shunt is widely used to expand the measuring range of meter's current.